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WHAT IS SOUND HEALINGA sound healing session is an acoustic journey that can relax the body, clear the mind, and activate your body’s natural healing systems. Sound healing is so effective because it influences our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies in beneficial ways. Every experience is different but for most it is a relaxing experience, and many people fall asleep. All you need to experience a sound healing session is to be comfortable, to be open and to listen. It is a chance to go within yourself. The effects can include: Relief from anxiety and stress. Complete relaxation, promoting deep meditation, heightening mental clarity, relieving insomnia and physical tension. Connecting to your inner self or source energy (whatever your religion and whatever this means to you). As well as many other magical things, it’s really you, the receiver, that is allowing all this to happen whilst I hold space for your highest good and create sound. I see it much like the reiki I learnt in that I am just a channel for the universe and the instrument to bring any healing that you are open to receiving.
PREPARING FOR YOUR SESSIONPlease arrive 10 minutes before the session starts, making sure to note our address which can be found on your booking confirmation email. Feel free to bring anything you would like to make the session more comfortable. We provide mats, an eye pillow, cushions and a blanket. Please note you will always remain fully clothed except for the removal of shoes. A sound bath is an acoustic journey that relaxes the body, clears the mind, and activates your body’s natural healing systems. There will be an information sheet in the gong space for you to read more information if you wish.
WHERE TO FIND US?Please kindly refer to your booking confirmation for our address and details on where to find us.
CANCELLATION POLICYIf you cancel your booking with more than 48 hours’ notice, we will offer you a refund or an alternative session. If later than this, unfortunately your booking will be cancelled without a refund.
PRECAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS*Pregnancy: Sessions are not advised when less than 12 weeks pregnant. *Epilepsy: Sound healing is not suitable for people with epilepsy. *Brain injury: In the case of brain injury, it is not advised to have sound vibration as a therapeutic intervention. *Mental health: Please consult your health practitioner if you have any concerns. Healing sessions are not suitable for people with severe or clinical mental health conditions. *Implants or plates in the body: It is best to make an informed decision and seek advice from your GP if you are concerned. *Minors under the age of 18: Sound therapy sessions are not open to children under the age of 18. *Refusal of treatment: You are not permitted to attend Alchemy in the New Forest under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs and will be asked to leave if so.
DATA AND PROTECTIONWe understand your privacy is important and offer our clients a confidential service. Without your written consent, we won’t share your details or information about your treatment with any outside agency, family members or others. However, there are certain situations where we may breach confidentiality if you declare that you are at risk of harming yourself or others or a child is at risk.
THANK YOU!Following on from our time together, continue to listen to your body’s needs. We welcome any feedback. If you enjoy your experience, we would be delighted to receive a review via our Facebook page: We look forward to seeing you. Wishing you a wonderful day. With much love, Team Alchemy X
We look forward to welcoming you to Alchemy In the New Forest...
If you have any further questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
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